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Transform your church community Christmas experience!

Salvation Has Come to This House! Prayer and Fasting Guide for Christmas Productions is your essential, interactive companion for a meaningful, multigenerational Christmas celebration!


Are you searching for a new, transformative experience to prepare the cast + creative team of your Christmas production to share a deeper, richer depiction of Jesus’ birth with your church community? You’ve found it, right here, with this devotional. This comprehensive guide is your key to nurturing for your cast + creative team a more profound connection to the spirit of the season which will then be received by your community – what an incredibly joyous gift!

Sneak a peek inside! Preview the 1st week:

(click on the image below)

Salvation Has Come to This House! includes:

  • Fasting Fundamentals
  • 6 Weeks of Spiritual Transformation for Cast + Creative Team
  • Child-Centric Guidance for the Youngest Ones
  • Weekly Family Time
  • Customizable Flexibility for Your Community
  • dr candi’s Insights from Her Use of the Guide